Social Enterprise Business Centre


About Us:

Easybath provides "one stop home modification services" for the elderly or discharged patients; including onsite home modification assessment by occupational therapists or assistants, modification suggestions and purchase of rehabilitation products, delivery and installation, and teaching family members to use rehabilitation products, in order to adapt as soon as possible. At the same time, Easybath trains retired to become installation partners, helping others to help themselves.

SE Information:

9843 4267
Room 1905, 19/F, Nan Fung Centre, 264-398 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, NT

Product and Service

  1. Home modification services for the elderly
  2. Install handrails and all necessary accessories for the elderly
  3. Professional anti slip nano coating treatment for elderly bathroom
  4. On-site home assessment
  5. Provide lectures and training for University student volunteers on "Ageing in Place" and provide door-to-door service opportunities
  6. Provide lectures and training on "Ageing in Place" for non-profit organizations